Monday, June 17, 2013

what the heck is the other side of L.A.?

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Los Angeles is a giant swirling mass of people and culture, a crock pot full of chunky bits of crazy and little slivers of sublime. You're probably used to Los Angeles as the home of Hollywood, traffic, smog, housewives with quilted silicone faces and tattooed "gangsters." We have all that but there are also mohawk sporting rocket scientists, korean tacos, hula hooping teachers, Frank Lloyd Wright homes, pie baking elementary school teachers, bridges upon bridges, vegan ice-creameries, and underground bee-keepers. This isn't exactly all about those people and places, more inspired by all the things that come from the edges of the city. From San Pedro to Pasadena to Northridge, I hope to bring you recipes, music, art, gardening and all around interesting things coming out of this great "town" of L.A.


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