Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Craft Services Explained

1 comment
when you wear gloves all day you get pretty excited about matching them to your hair.
Recently a family member at wedding said to me, "So I hear you work in catering." I respond, "We'll actually no it's not quite that, I'm crafts service." A puzzled look formed on their face. "I make snacks. I'm a snack lady of sorts." Clearly, I need to figure out a better explanation. 

Dearest readers, all three of you including my Aunt Robin, crafts service is basically an all day smörgasboard of snackery. Depending on the show it can be as epic as breakfast burritos, vegan potato hash, bagels and fruit salad, or a cornucopia of packaged snacks in baskets like if Martha Stewart opened a 7-11. 

Typically, I am on my feet cooking casseroles and quesadillas for 12 hours. Some days I can go through 144 cups of coffee and 40 bananas. I've worked on movies, commercials, photo shoots and a whole lot of reality television. 
I love my job. It's stressful, crazy, messy, smelly and delicious. I get to make people smile and feel spoiled. When a crew shows up and says "oh man! Nice spread!" I know they are talking about my table, get your mind outta the gutter. Working on set also means I meet tons of great  people, have pink hair and can swear like a Victorian sailor. 

hard at work making cookie butter sandwiches.

They'll stick my tables just about anywhere.

Why is it called crafts service? Well, many moons ago when studios were starting up there was a need for someone to be on hand to help any department that needed it. Light in the way? Crane in the wrong place? Need a hand with painting? Dirty set? We serve the craftspeople on set. Who knows when, but one day the crafts person probably set up some coffee for everyone and thus the crafty you know today was born. Even on set few people know that we still sweep, lift, move, dispose and do odd jobs. 

So, get ready for recipes and fashion straight from set. 

1 comment:

  1. Turns out she can write, too. Looking forward to other unknown badassery from you, Ms. Harrell. Lurv, Hasko.
