Saturday, August 17, 2013

Truck Tamales- breakfast of second placers

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It's 3pm on a Saturday, I'm hiding in my office on a stage at Sony slowly digesting the well intentioned catering provided by the show. Yes that's right, nearly every production in Hollywood provides free lunch, and even more provide breakfast AND dinner. Before you get all "you spoiled brats!" know this: we often work 14+ hours on set trapped in the same 20 foot square area unable to even escape to a gleaming coffee oasis known as 7-11 (you thought I was gonna say Starbucks huh?) 

Back to my 65 degree wooden snack filled "office." Lunch was fine, pretty dang good for free food. But I can't shake the memory of this past weekend's tamales. 
These delights can't be found and graded on yelp. Oh no. These babies were purchased from a cooler in the bed of a Ford truck. 

Friday and Saturday afternoons on my winding street in Northern East LA the high pitched call of a 14 year old girl can be heard echoing off the stuccoed hills. "TA-MAaaaLES! TA-MAaaaLES!"  When I hear the call I rush to put street legal pajamas and sandals on. At the bed of the truck I am given the choice of chicken or pork for a dollar a piece. 6 of each flavor steaming in the bag I rush home to dig in. To this day my favorite was the chicken mole, sold out this weekend. The rest of you saps can go ahead and wait 30 min for your table at some hip joint with Niman ranch bacon and organic cheddar grits, I'll have my breakfast local style on my couch catching up on Orange Is The New Black.  

Footnote: For those of you reheating your truck tamales I recommend steaming them. No micro! Two inches of water in a pot with a vegetable steamer basket or pasta basket boiled for 10 min.  


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